Monday, November 18, 2013

My first swap

I was so excited to do my first swap! If you're not familiar with a "swap" I'll explain. It's sooo much fun and it's like Christmas! You and another person exchange items with each other. It can be anything ......Make up, crafts, nail polish, or house decor! Set a dollar amount with each other and maybe give a couple hints if you would like.
I've always wanted to do a swap! I see it all over blogs and YouTube. So I thought it was time for me to do one! I follow so many fun people on Instagram but one person stood out to me. It may have been her obsession with chevron or the fact she loves to do nails like me?! Whatever it was, I just knew we would have fun swapping goodies. I contacted her and instantly she was just as excited as I was. Following her is fun! We have a lot in common. You should follow her too! Denissa_sweetandsimplelife
Let the shopping begin! I had fun buying for her. I had her in mind (what I knew she liked from IG) as well as what I liked and wanted to share with her. We also challenged each other to a craft, which made it even more fun! Here is a list of the items I got for her........
eos lip balm
Hand sanitizer
My fave lip gloss from Revlon
The best blush from elf
Make up remover wipes (cuz who doesn't need those??)
"Chalkboard surface" labels
Scentsy pack in the scent Snowberry (my fave!!)
"Let it Snow" holiday decor
And last but not least, the craft I made for her. Her last name is Moore so I wanted to make a Christmas craft with her name some how. I came up with the saying " The MOORE the Merrier"
I had a ton of fun doing this! Funny thing is we got each other two of the (almost) same thing!

Here is the package I sent to her........

And my goodies from Denissa.....

My package from Denissa was perfect! So many of my favorite things. I love it all and can't wait to hear what she thinks of hers! Have you ever done a swap? If so, I would love to hear all about it! 


  1. Replies
    1. It was so much fun! I can't wait to do another!

  2. Thanks again for doing the swap! Had so much fun and LOVED all my stuff!!
    Denissa xo
